'Learning Together Achieving Forever'

Determined School Admission Arrangements for 2020 / 2021



Oversubscription criteria for all community and voluntary controlled schools


When the school is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in priority order:


1.    Those children who are or were previously looked after by Telford & Wrekin or any other local authority.


A 'looked after child', or a child who was previously looked after, but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order.  These children are also known as children in care.


2.    Children previously in state care outside of England and who have ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted, and then


3.  Children who live in the school’s defined attendance area.


If places are unavailable for all of these local children, then places will be given first to:

a)  Those children who have exceptional health reasons where there is written medical evidence that admission to the school is essential for their medical wellbeing.  The information must confirm the exceptional medical reason and demonstrate how the specified school is the only school that can meet the defined needs of the child, and then

b)  Those children who will have on the day of admission a brother(s), sister(s), step brother(s), step sister(s),half-brother(s) or half-sister(s) living as a family at the same address and who attend the school


c)  Pupils in receipt of early years pupil premium or pupil premium at the point of closing the application round


d)  Other children living in the school’s attendance area


4. Any places which remain available will then be allocated to applicants from outside the school’s defined attendance area in the priority order a) to c)


5. Children of staff - children whose parent / guardian is a member of staff who has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application or has been recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.



6. Other children living outside of the school’s attendance area.


Please note: in the cases of Donnington Wood Church of England Junior School, Newport Church of England Junior School and Wrockwardine Wood Church of England Junior School there is an additional criterion which is applied before the consideration of in area children - this is those children who have attended the linked infant schools



The early years pupil premium is additional funding to support disadvantaged three and four year olds in early years settings.  Its aim is to close the gap between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers by providing funding to early years providers to help them raise the quality of their provision. It has been available in all local authority areas in England since April 2015.


The pupil premium is additional funding given to state funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.


Pupil premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, such as special schools and pupil referral units.  It is paid to schools according to the number of pupils who have been:


  • registered for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years
  • looked after by the local authority (in care) for one day or more
  • those who have left local authority care through adoption, or via a Special Guardianship, Residence or Child Arrangements Order


Children of staff


The admission of the children of staff is defined in the admissions code as being in either or both of the following circumstances:


  1. Where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application of admission to the school is made, and/or


  1. b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.


  • Schools must determine their admission arrangements by 28 February
  • Admission authorities send this information to the LA by 15 March
  • Admission authorities send all other admission authorities in the area
  • Reglious admission authorities must send to their religious denominations
  • If a PAN is set higher, this must be notified to the LA and displayed on website


  • Admission authorities must publish on their website admission arrangements for:
  • 2018/19 for in years
  • 2019/20 for the allocation round
  • 2020/21 for determined arrangements
  • Determined arrangements must set admission number (PAN)


  • Objections to the office of the schools adjudicator must be made by 15 May

Please see our composite prospectus for further details






Wrekin View Primary School and Nursery



Uniform Policy

September 2020


Learning Together To Achieve Forever





“School uniforms help to define the ethos of a school and the standards expected. They help give pupils pride in their school, and make them ambassadors for their school in the community” (DfES 5 Year Strategy for Children and Learners, 2006).


Why do we need a uniform?


A school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone.


We believe a uniform is important for the following reasons:


  • It can instill pride
  • It can support positive behaviour and discipline
  • Pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome
  • Uniform can nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils
  • It can encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos
  • Children are protected from social pressures to dress in a particular way
  • Above all, many schools believe that school uniform supports effective teaching and learning.


What will it look like?


  • School will authorise a local business to sell a selection of quality school clothing items with the school logo at reasonable prices, currently Baker & Sons in Wellington. (See Appendix 1)
  • Children will also be able to wear plain (no school badge) providing it is the appropriate colours.
  • Children in Years 5 and 6 will be expected to wear a shirt and tie with a Blazer optional. The school Tie will be an optional item for younger pupils. 
  • The only jewellery allowed is a single ear stud in each ear. They must be removed for all PE lessons.
  • The wearing of temporary tattoos will not be permitted, with the exception of Mehndi for special occasions.
  • Hair should be neat and tidy with no extremes of style or colour. Long hair should be tied back during PE lessons for health and safety. 
  • Make up and cosmetics are not considered appropriate or consistent with our school uniform. The school does not permit such products to be worn by any children, unless there is a specific event for which the Headteacher has given permission.
  • The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes that have platform soles or high heels, so we do not allow children to wear such shoes in our school. Neither do we allow children to wear trainers to school; this is because we think that this footwear is appropriate for sport or for leisurewear, but is not in keeping with the smart appearance of a school uniform.


Who will monitor it?


  • All Staff will monitor the correct wearing of school uniform.
  • Children will be expected to wear the correct school uniform.
  • Parents are responsible to inform the school, either in writing or verbally if for any reason a child is unable to wear the correct uniform.
  • The Governing body should be receptive to any reasonable complaint from parents/carers concerning uniform, handling it respectfully and should aim to arrive at a mutually agreeable outcome.
  • The school will follow the DfE guidelines and not consider exclusion from the school where a pupil fails to comply with the school’s rules on uniform.
  • Children who repeatedly fail to wear the correct uniform:
    • Member of staff will speak to the parents to discuss possible reasons why uniform is not being worn.
    • Child may lose Dojo Points.
    • Repeated loss of Dojo Points may mean further meetings with parents.


Signed by:


                                                Chair of Governors            Date: ..................................


                                                Headteacher                        Date: ..................................


Appendix 1

to Wrekin View Primary School

School Uniform Policy

Dated Spring 2020


A simple guide to uniform at Wrekin View

     All uniform should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.  

  Boys Girls PE


V neck Jumper or Crew Neck Sweatshirt


V neck Jumper, Crew Neck Sweatshirt or Cardigan

Navy Tracksuit

(Optional for Outdoor PE only)


Shirt  Y5 and Y6

Polo Shirt Year 4 and below


Shirt  Y5 and Y6

Polo Shirt Year 4 and below

White T shirt

(with Wrekin View logo or plain)



Optional for Pupils in Y5 & Y6


Optional for Pupils in Y5 & Y6



Pupils in Y5 & Y6 will be expected to wear a tie.  


Optional for Years 4,3,2,1 and Reception.

Pupils in Y5 & Y6 will be expected to wear a tie.  


Optional for Years 4,3,2,1 and Reception.



Black, Grey or Navy


Tailored shorts in the summer

Black, Grey or Navy


Tailored shorts in the summer






Black, Grey or Navy


Tunic Dress

Pinafore Dress 

Blue Gingham Check for Summer



Black, Grey, Navy or White


Black, Grey, Navy or White





Black, Grey or Navy




Sensible Black Shoes.

Sensible Black Shoes


No heels.

Indoors-Black Plimsolls (pumps)

Outdoors – Training Shoes



Black or Navy





Maximum 1 Single stud in each ear.


1 pair of ear studs

All Jewellery removed for PE lessons. 

Uniform with our Logo is available to purchase from Baker & Sons in Wellington.

School Performance Data Tables

Recent Standard Assessment Test (SAT) results and other performance indicators are available on the Department for Education Website